Our Story

To educate, motivate, and inspire through style and creativity

To promote sensitivity and compassion to other people’s wellbeing 

To offer help at the right time, at the right place, from the right people

Zulfan Farhi


When I was growing up in high-school I remember speaking to a popular girl that everyone used to love and hang out with. I remember her to be a full of life person who was loving and friendly with everyone. fast forward to a few years, It was news to myself and to everyone that knew her that she had taken her own life. In that span of time, I have also recalled people of different backgrounds, and beliefs, all have succumbed to their life being taken by their own hands. 

I know this may sound so grim as an introduction. However, this was what sparked my journey into understanding mental health and people. I graduated with a physiology degree where I learned a lot about the biology of depression and anxiety disorders, and antidepressants. These studies and conversations with psychologists in the UK began to solidify my passion and purpose to help people understand their own suffering and pave a way for healing. 

I didn’t stop there. After showing my research to public symposiums, creating awareness on mental health in schools, and universities, this led to the development of JIWA, a non-profit social enterprise giving you everything you need to know about mental health, mental illness and mental wellness. With JIWA, I could finally put my knowledge and experience to the test and still continue to learn and develop. Our values are the phrases you saw earlier

To educate, motivate, and inspire through style and creativity 

To promote the establishment of a compassionate society 

To offer the right help to anyone, anywhere, anytime  

With JIWA, We hope to not only create the right awareness on mental health and wellness, but also to realize a set path for healing for anyone who wants to seek help. This is for you who are either suffering alone or know someone who is. There is an invisible monster out there that’s taking out each of us silently and we have to do something about it. I can neither do this alone and neither can you so let’s do it together!

Best wishes 

– Zulfan 

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