What is Emotional Regulation?

Emotions shape everyone’s life. Many of us have extravagant emotions. Aren’t you one of them? Have you ever felt that? You are exhausted while waiting in a long queue. You feel sad after your broken relationship. You become jealous when you see someone happy. But sometimes you forget how to behave in these situations! Right?


Many of us take this lightly. And some of us take it too seriously. Such people make the intensity of emotions more intense. On the other hand, some feel lowered. Have you ever noticed these emotions badly affect your quality of life? Your health, your personality, and many other things related to your life. In some instances, you may show aggressive behavior. 

After some time, you may feel embarrassed and angry. Is it so? It is not your fault. Because you never know when you will lose control of your emotions. Don’t panic; after all, emotional regulation teaches you how you can generate the ability to control your emotional states better.

Let’s see how it is that much important in our lives.

What is emotional regulation?


You cannot control the happenings in your life. But as a human being, you can control your emotional responses. Emotional regulation is a check on your emotions. Infect, you can learn how to control your feelings. You are practicing emotional regulation if you are taking control of your emotions. 

It does not mean that you are suppressing your emotions. In this way, you are simply noticing your feelings. And you are adjusting yourself in response to any situation. Simply put, you are practicing how to react according to the situation. Simply, it is a simple sentence “learning to control yourself.”

Why emotional regulation is important?


Have you often noticed emotional stress can affect your overall quality of life? It can affect Your relationship, your workspace, and your overall success in life! Now, it’s essential to pause and think about its importance. 

Emotional regulation is one of the essential tools for your mental and physical health. And also, to build healthy relationships at work, with family, and with friends. Once you practice it, you will be able to learn its value in your overall well-being.

How can it be practiced?


Let’s learn how you can practice this! If you find yourself challenged, emotional regulation practice will help. Practicing these skills indeed allows you to act after evaluating the situation. Try to evaluate the different strategies and find which works best for you!


●       Self Noticing 

Self-noticing involves becoming aware of what you feel. Sit quietly and make a note. Write down the things which bothered you often. Scroll down your thoughts and try to read out past situations. You are now studying yourself.


●       Accept your emotions


Emotions are normal. When you respond to a situation, instead of disgrace, you should Help yourself to accept the emotions. Recognize that going through emotions is a regular thing—Grace yourself without beating


●       Cognitive reappraisal

We, as human beings, are inclined more toward negative emotions than positive ones. Negative emotions are anger, sadness, and disgust. Cognitive reappraisal is altering the ways we think. Replace your thoughts and try to look at the situation with a whole new perspective.




Emotions are visitors. We should let them go. Learn to overcome it, and don’t let them overcome you! Emotional regulation is a 100% learnable skill. We can learn its skills or techniques to live better.


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